Saturday, October 18, 2014

How Single?

From the Vault! I started writing this post in 2012, but never hit "publish." Now that I've returned to my natural state of being single (I blame entropy), I concede that this line of thinking is as relevant as ever.

Let's take a peek at this time capsule from inside my brain.

_____________August 2012_____________

A dilemma. On the one hand I have found myself in an honest-to-God relationship. On the other, I still feel like I have relevant things to say in this blog. This makes me wonder - how single is "single"?

I guess it depends on who is asking. I don't mean anything sleazy, like "it depends" on how hot the guy is who is asking. I'm not talking slip-off-the-ring-and-let's-get-a-room kind of "it depends."  It's a serious contemplation on the nature of a relationship.

And a prime subject for a quick quiz!

1. Describe your weekend plans:
A: (bonus points if Netflix and ice cream binges are involved. Que cliche?)

2. What is your living arrangement?
A: (key swap, cohabitate, or are you the ruler of both sides of the bed?)

3. Your relationship status on Facebook reads:
A: (single? it's complicated? no comment?)

4. Are you single?
A: (do you really need a quiz to tell you this?)

5. Has someone "put a ring on it"?
A: (if yes, you really, really don't need a quiz to tell you this)

What questions would you add to this list? In your book, how single is "single"?


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